Vince Cardell, « Classics Live Behind The Candelabra » is the music from the original Opryland Hotel’s Vince Cardell, Live At The Cascades Volume I. As Liberace’s protégé Vince played the world-famous « Twin Pianos » with his mentor for six years touring the world. Vince re-arranged two his most famous duets with Liberace, « Slaughter On 10th Avenue » and « Brazil » in the memory of his dear friend and mentor. His Finale was inspired by the splendor of Opryland Hotel, Born To a Southern Tradition, with music from the TV mini-series « North and South » and the feature film « Gone With The Wind » and songs « Dixie », and « Battle Hymn ». Memories of his touring with Liberace lent inspiration to the songs « Blue Danube », « Brazil » and « Evergreen ».